IELTS: What You Need to Know!

·  What is the IELTS?

The International English Language Test System (IELTS) is the English Assessment of choice recognized worldwide for international nursing applicants looking to work and live in the USA.

·  Do all International Nurses who want to Work in the USA Need to Take an English Exam?

     o  No, you may be are exempt if you attended a nursing school in Australia, Barbados, Canada (except some schools in Quebec), Ireland, Jamaica, New Zealand, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, or the USA.

·  Why do I Need to Take an English Exam?

     o  English proficiency is a mandatory component of completing the CGFNS Visa Screen, a critical document required for the immigration process to acquire your visa to work and live in the USA .

     o  If you were educated in a primarily non-English speaking country, you will likely be required to take an English exam, however exemptions may apply in special circumstances.

·  How Much Does the IELTS Cost to Take?

     o  Approximately $250 USD. Remember, Medliant will reimburse this cost once you begin your employment in the US as a Medliant RN!

·  How Many Countries Offer the IELTS?

     o  140 countries offer IELTS worldwide.

·  Do I Have to Take the IELTS in my Home Country?

     o  No, you can take the IELTS anywhere in the world, but you will need a valid passport or government issued ID to take the exam.

·  There are Two Types of IELTS, Academic and General... Which one Should I Take as a Nurse?

     o  All international nurses and medical professionals should take the Academic IELTS .

·  Who Should take the General IELTS?

     o  The General IELTS is for those who are going to take secondary education or attend training programs in English speaking countries. Nurses should take the Academic IELTS.

·  What is the Minimum IELTS Test Score That I Need to Work as a USRN?

     o  6.5 overall and 7.0 in speaking (scored on a 9-band scoring system)

·  What are the Different Sections of the IELTS that I Will be Tested on?

     o  Listening (30-35 minutes)

          -  You will listen to audio material once and then write your answers on an answer sheet. Here you will need to understand main ideas and information, follow the conversation, and recognize the opinions and attitudes of the speaker in the audio.

     o  Reading (60 minutes)

          -  You will read 3 different passages and then answer to questions related to those passages. It is imperative that you are able to identify the theme, main concepts, and details of the passages, as well as follow the conversation and recognize the opinions and attitudes of the speaker.

     o  Writing (60 minutes)

          -  You will be scored on your writing skills, including how well you are able to organize ideas, use a wide range of vocabulary, and respond appropriately. Poor handwriting and grammar will reduce your score.

     o  Speaking (11-15 minutes)

          -  This will take place in the form of an interview or conversation and you will be scored on your ability to communicate information on topics and experiences by answering a variety of questions discussed out loud. You will also be scored on your ability to organize your thoughts, express your opinions, speak fluently, and analyze and discuss issues brought up by the examiner.

·  What Order Will the Test be Performed in?

     o  1) Listening, 2) Reading, and 3) Writing all in the same sitting with no breaks.

     o  4) Speaking (this may take place before, on the same day, or after the other sections)

·  Where Can I Schedule an IELTS exam?

     o  CLICK HERE to find an IELTS Test Location

·  Are there practice courses for the IELTS?




     o  BARRON’S IELTS 4th Edition on AMAZON

·  What Can I Take into the Examination Room?

     o  Pens, pencils, and erasers only.

     o  You should also bring your passport/ID.

     o  You are not allowed to have your phone or other belongings with you in the examination room.

·  How Long Does it Take to Receive my IELTS Test Results?

     o  13 calendar days after you take the test you should receive your results via mail.

·  If I Fail the IELTS, Can I Take it again?

     o  Yes, there is no limit on the number of times you can take the IELTS.

·  If I Fail One Section, do I have to Redo all Four Sections? Or can I just Redo the Section that I Failed?

     o  You must retake all four sections again.

·  Do I Need to have Passed the Academic IELTS before I apply to Medliant?

     o  No, you can apply to Medliant before you take the Academic IELTS. However, it will be required as it is s US requirement for immigration.

To begin your application to become a USRN email your resume to

Nurse Brennan Belliveau


Medliant International Healthcare Solutions

Brennan Belliveau

Nurse Brennan Belliveau is an internationally educated Registered Nurse born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Brennan immigrated to San Francisco, California, USA in 2019 and since then has created The Adventurous Nurse Ltd. to support the international nursing community. Brennan works in pediatric cardiology and heart-lung transplant care as a Registered Nurse in addition to writing NCLEX preparation questions and creating content and resources for the nurses all across the world.

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How To Prepare for and Pass the NCLEX-RN Exam