Communicable Diseases That Deem U.S. Immigrant Applicants Inadmissible

A common question that prospective U.S. immigrants ask is what diseases or illnesses impact an applicants ability to immigrate to the USA? According to USCIC there are four significant communicable diseases that can impact your ability to immigrate to the USA. It should be noted that communicable diseases of public health significance that deem an applicant inadmissible are determined by The Department of Health and Human (HHS) and not by USCIS.

Four Communicable Diseases That Deem An Applicant Inadmissible:

According to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) the following four communicable diseases are of public health significance and would deem an applicant inadmissible into the United States:

  1. Gonorrhea

  2. Hansen’s Disease (Leprosy), infectious;

  3. Syphilis, infectious stage; and

  4. Tuberculosis (TB), Active

If I Am Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Positive Can I Immigrate To The USA?

“Since 2010, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is no longer defined as a communicable disease of public health significance according to HHS regulations. Therefore, HIV infection does not make the applicant inadmissible on health-related grounds for any immigration benefit adjudicated on or after January 4, 2010, even if the applicant filed the immigration benefit application before January 4, 2010. The officer should disregard a diagnosis of HIV infection when determining whether an applicant is inadmissible on health-related grounds. The officer should administratively close any HIV waiver application filed before January 4, 2010.” - USCIS (June, 2024)

Source: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Chapter 6 - Communicable Diseases of Public Health Significance. Accessed June 23, 2024

Brennan Belliveau

Nurse Brennan Belliveau is an internationally educated Registered Nurse born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Brennan immigrated to San Francisco, California, USA in 2019 and since then has created The Adventurous Nurse Ltd. to support the international nursing community. Brennan works in pediatric cardiology and heart-lung transplant care as a Registered Nurse in addition to writing NCLEX preparation questions and creating content and resources for the nurses all across the world.

September 2024 USCIS Visa Bulletin Update


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