Nurse Brennan: Reasons To Be Optimistic Through Visa Retrogression

Visa retrogression has occurred in the past and will occur again for Registered Nurses looking to immigrate to the USA. With over 33 years of experience, Medliant has undergone this scenario first hand before. The common denominator is that it visa retrogression is always temporary, which is important to note for everyone. There are many reasons why I remain optimistic as a USRN immigrant myself and why I hope you can too:

  1. Visa retrogression has happened before and will happen again (it is temporary): Visa retrogression is temporary and occurs when more Green Card Visa applications are approved than there are issued in a fiscal year, resulting in priority dates to move backwards. As the flow of applicants eases and new Green Card Visas become available each fiscal year, priority dates will move forward.

  2. Green Card Visas are issued using a priority date and not a lottery (you have your place in line): Once your I-140 is approved, this is your place in line to immigrate to the USA, which will take place. While we hope this line moves quickly, be assured that it will move forward and you will live out your American Dream.

  3. October is the start of the new fiscal year and more Green Card Visas being added: October of each year USCIS makes a significant number of additional Green Card visas available, allowing the line to move forward. When your priority date is listed as before or on the date that the USCIS visa bulletin posts, it is your turn to move forward.

  4. Proposals, such as the Healthcare Workforce Resilience Act, currently in Congress, are intended to support additional visas for Registered Nurses to immigrate to the USA: With the support and backing of many healthcare organizations in the USA demanding faster immigration for international Registered Nurses we are hopeful for more visas and a faster immigration for Registered Nurses.

  5. The nursing shortage is growing in the USA: This will undoubtedly put more pressure on the US government to support bipartisan legislation to increase the number of Registered Nurses immigrating to the USA as it is in the best interests of all Americans and healthcare organizations.

As a fellow Registered Nurse, I can assure you that your turn will come soon to immigrate to the USA and begin living your American Dream. Medliant is here to support you and your family throughout the entire process and your employment as a Medliant USRN. Retrogression is temporary and immigration continues to take place while it occurs. We continue to file I-140s and ensure that you get your place in line as quickly as possible as we know how important this is to you and your family. We are excited to see you live out your American Dream as a Medliant USRN soon!

Brennan Belliveau

Nurse Brennan Belliveau is an internationally educated Registered Nurse born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Brennan immigrated to San Francisco, California, USA in 2019 and since then has created The Adventurous Nurse Ltd. to support the international nursing community. Brennan works in pediatric cardiology and heart-lung transplant care as a Registered Nurse in addition to writing NCLEX preparation questions and creating content and resources for the nurses all across the world.

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