NCLEX-RN Exam: Practice Questions With Nurse Brennan (Part 6.)
The NCLEX-RN Exam is the entry-to-practice exam for all domestic and international Registered Nurses entering the nursing processing in the USA. Medliant is here to help you prepare for and pass the NCLEX-RN Exam on your very first attempt with our extensive NCLEX review, promoting a pass rate of 90%! As part of our NCLEX Sponsorship Program, Medliant will also pay for your NCLEX review and exam upfront. To help supplement your NCLEX review, here are 10 additional NCLEX practice questions!
NCLEX-RN Exam: Practice Questions With Nurse Brennan (Part 5.)
The NCLEX-RN Exam is the entry-to-practice exam for all domestic and international Registered Nurses entering the nursing processing in the USA. Medliant is here to help you prepare for and pass the NCLEX-RN Exam on your very first attempt with our extensive NCLEX review, promoting a pass rate of 90%! As part of our NCLEX Sponsorship Program, Medliant will also pay for your NCLEX review and exam upfront. To help supplement your NCLEX review, here are 10 additional NCLEX practice questions!
NCLEX-RN Exam: Practice Questions With Nurse Brennan (Part 4.)
The NCLEX-RN Exam is the entry-to-practice exam for all domestic and international Registered Nurses entering the nursing processing in the USA. Medliant is here to help you prepare for and pass the NCLEX-RN Exam on your very first attempt with our extensive NCLEX review, promoting a pass rate of 90%! As part of our NCLEX Sponsorship Program, Medliant will also pay for your NCLEX review and exam upfront. To help supplement your NCLEX review, here are 10 additional NCLEX practice questions!

9 Ways to Deescalate Conflict in the Hospital Setting
The hospital setting can often be a challenging or stressful environment for staff, patients, and family members. Although it may not happen often, staff may find it challenging when a patient or family member can become difficult. As nurses, it is essential to remain calm, professional, and compassionate. In the even that you find yourself in a challenging situation with a patient or family member, here are nine tips on how to work with them to de-escalate the situation and move forward.
NCLEX-RN Exam: Practice Questions With Nurse Brennan (Part 3.)
The NCLEX-RN Exam is the entry-to-practice exam for all domestic and international Registered Nurses entering the nursing processing in the USA. Medliant is here to help you prepare for and pass the NCLEX-RN Exam on your very first attempt with our extensive NCLEX review, promoting a pass rate of 90%! As part of our NCLEX Sponsorship Program, Medliant will also pay for your NCLEX review and exam upfront. To help supplement your NCLEX review, here are 10 additional NCLEX practice questions!
NCLEX-RN Exam: Practice Questions With Nurse Brennan (Part 2.)
The NCLEX-RN Exam is the entry-to-practice exam for all domestic and international Registered Nurses entering the nursing processing in the USA. Medliant is here to help you prepare for and pass the NCLEX-RN Exam on your very first attempt with our extensive NCLEX review, promoting a pass rate of 90%! As part of our NCLEX Sponsorship Program, Medliant will also pay for your NCLEX review and exam upfront. To help supplement your NCLEX review, here are 10 additional NCLEX practice questions!
NCLEX-RN Exam: Practice Questions With Nurse Brennan (Part 1.)
The NCLEX-RN Exam is the entry-to-practice exam for all domestic and international Registered Nurses entering the nursing processing in the USA. Medliant is here to help you prepare for and pass the NCLEX-RN Exam on your very first attempt with our extensive NCLEX review, promoting a pass rate of 90%! As part of our NCLEX Sponsorship Program, Medliant will also pay for your NCLEX review and exam upfront. To help supplement your NCLEX review, here are 10 additional NCLEX practice questions!
Checking In With Nurse Brennan: How To Approach An Economic Downturn As A USRN Immigrant
The world is experiencing an economic downturn as we shift out of the Covid-19 pandemic and into a post-pandemic era. While the healthcare industry is generally resistant to an economic downturn, there are steps you can take as USRNs to weather the impacts of higher inflation and costs of goods and services.

Recognizing Arrythmia’s with Nurse Brennan
The early recognition and intervention of cardiac arrythmia’s can be critical in promoting adequate perfusion and circulation, and in preventing irreversible outcomes or patient mortality. Not every arrhythmia is dangerous, and it is imperative to know your patient’s baseline heart rate and rhythm to triage any concerns as they arise. Learn more about 10 arrhythmia’s you may see as a Medliant USRN.

2022 Year In Review For Nursing Immigration
As the Covid-19 pandemic continued to ease throughout 2022 across the world, nursing immigration and staffing shortages in the USA remained at the forefront of critical issues that will need to be addressed in 2023. As hospitals across the nation grip with staffing shortages as a result of increased demands while many nurses are retiring or leaving the profession all together, healthcare staffing will remain a top issue well into the future.

Nurse Brennan’s NCLEX Study Tips
Medliant’s NCLEX Sponsorship Program pays for your NCLEX review and exam upfront to financially support and expedite your journey to the USA as a Medliant USRN! Medliant’s NCLEX review partner promotes an NCLEX pass rate of 90% (more than double the pass rate for first time international RN NCLEX exam takers)!
5 Reasons to Work in Florida as a Medliant USRN
Are you looking to begin living your American Dream as a Medliant USRN? As one of Medliant's most popular US destinations, here are 5 reasons why Florida might be the perfect place to call home for you and your family!
How To Give An Excellent End-Of-Shift Nursing Report
Hospitals in the USA often utilize the bedside nursing report model for shift handover between two nurses. The bedside end-of-shift nursing report is an opportunity for the off-going nurse to provide the on-coming nurse with important details regarding a patient's medical history, status, and any upcoming tasks or concerns to be addressed. Learn what Nurse Brennan includes in his nursing report!
Checking In With Nurse Brennan: “How To Successfully Transition To A New Nursing Position”
Starting a new position as a Registered Nurse is an exciting opportunity to work with a new organization, team, and patient population. With every new position, it is understood that there will be an adjustment period as you transition into your new role. Here are 5 tips from USRN immigrant, Nurse Brennan, to help you as you adjust to your new role as a Medliant USRN!

10 Things Every Nurse Should Know
As a nurse, we will often experience a variety of emotions, thoughts, feelings, and perceptions towards our own practice and the nursing or medical profession itself throughout our careers. It is important to discuss these concepts and to normalize them within our profession. While we may think that we are the only one’s personally having certain thoughts or experiences, we will often come to find that many other nurses think and experience similar things. Here are Nurse Brennan’s list of 10 Things Every Nurse Should Know.
Checking In With Nurse Brennan: “What Places Are You Most Excited To Explore In The USA?”
What places are you most excited to explore in the USA as a Medliant USRN? Immigrating to the USA as a Registered Nurse is an exciting time as you learn and grow in your new role as a USRN, but you will also have the opportunity to explore, learn, and see so many new things along the way with your friends and family!
Common Nursing Terms And Abbreviations Used In The USA
Learn about common nursing terms and abbreviations used in the USA by Registered Nurses. While some terms and abbreviations may be familiar from country-to-country, others may not be to new USRNs.
Checking In With Nurse Brennan: “Do I Have Enough Nursing Experience To Become A USRN?”
Do you have enough experience as a Registered Nurse to become a USRN? Did you know that US immigration requires a minimum amount of experience for internationally educated Registered Nurses?

USRN Opportunities: What Specialties Are Medliant Hiring? And Other FAQs
Medliant International Healthcare Staffing, a leading global employment based contract-to-hire staffing agency in sponsoring international Registered Nurses on Green Card Visas. Medliant is currently hiring nurses with 12 months of experience in a variety of specialties to meet the growing demand in the USA.
Checking In With Nurse Brennan: “What is your favorite part about being a nurse?”
What is your favorite part about being a nurse? There are many different reasons why people choose to enter and stay in the nursing profession from strong economic and job security, to helping those in their most vulnerable moments in life, and having strong work-life balance.